Like so many epidemics before, the loss of so many lives began with a single microscopic organism. It’s human nature to seek even the smallest comfort in reason, or logic for evens as catastrophic as these.
But a virus dosen’t choose a time or place. It dosen’t hate or even care. It just happens
This is a film produced in 2008. It is a story of a deadly virus spread out in Scotland, which has been quarantined. Whatever the comments or critics for this film, the beginning seems to reflect the current COVID-19. It is now on Netflix.
ICOVID-19, which began in Dec 2019, are still ravaging worldwide. The recent news also reported that it has been in the 3rd surge in the US. Amide the COVID-19 pandemic, it is really safe based in Taiwan, but out of the world. I hope to have a whole new 2021 to get rid of COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 although it seems not to happen easily.